The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information

Navigation and service

Schengen Information System (SIS)

The SIS is an IT system with a database. It is used for the exchange of information. Users are, for example, foreigners, police and judicial authorities in the Schengen States and diplomatic missions or consular posts.

civil servant holds passport in hand and with the other hand he types on a keyboard
Source: ©cristian gutu -

So-called alerts are stored in the system. Each alert contains specific data on persons or objects. The alert is used to identify persons or objects and to define certain measures. Alerts may be made for the following purposes:

  1. Refusal of entry for third-country nationals
  2. Arrest in case of an arrest warrant
  3. To find out the place of residence or domicile of persons, e.g. of missing persons, witnesses, victims
  4. Collection and transfer of information on persons or objects for discreet checks, inquiry checks or specific checks
  5. Enforcement of return decisions against third-country nationals
  6. Objects for seizure or use as evidence , e.g. cars, identification documents

Your rights

Your right to information

You have the right to know whether information about you is stored in the SIS and what is stored in the SIS about you.

For this purpose, you must file a request to the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) in Germany. The BKA is obliged to reply within one month. That period, however, can be extended by further two months.

In individual cases, you may be denied information. This is the case if there is an interest in confidentiality. For example, an interest in confidentiality exists when the purpose of the alert is thwarted, when there are threats to public security or when data from other persons are affected.

Your right to rectification and erasure

  • If the stored information is incorrect or incomplete, you have the right to rectification.
  • If the stored information should not have been stored at all, you have a right to deletion.

The following applies:
Only the authority that has entered the data into the SIS can delete or rectify them. 

Whom can you contact?

Information from SIS

To find out what is stored about you in the SIS, you can write to the BKA.

Contact details:

BdA4 - Petenten
65173 Wiesbaden

Please send a copy of your ID card so that the BKA can identify you. You can blacken the photograph and ID number.

Rectification and deletion
The authority having entered the alert is competent for rectifications and deletions. This is the authority that made the entry in the SIS. If you do not know that authority, you can request information from the BKA. The BKA will also let you know which authority made the entry. It is helpful if you justify your request for rectification or deletion. The more relevant information you add, the sooner you can be helped.

Legal protection
1. Objection

You can object to rejected requests for information, rectification and deletion. The objection shall be addressed to the authority which rejected your request.

2. Judicial protection:

Request for information:
If the BKA does not provide you with information in accordance with the applicable deadline, you can file a lawsuit at the administrative court in Wiesbaden for the provision of the information.

Request for deletion or correction:
If the objection is rejected, you can file a lawsuit at the competent administrative court.

3. Request relating to data protection law

Are you not sure whether you have received complete information or whether your data are legally stored? Do you presume that data protection violations have occurred in the procedure? Do you have further questions about the procedure or about data protection?

If so, then please contact us: You can contact us via our general contact channels.

Please send us a copy of your ID document along with the request. You can blacken your passport photograph and ID number. Please also provide a valid postal address, as the answer can only be sent by post. This ensures that only you receive information about your personal data.

Further informations and important documents

Information on the exercise of these rights in Germany:
Guide on SIS (in German)
Guide on SIS

Overview of the procedures in the European area (as of April 2023) in English:

Information video on the Schengen Information System

Information from the European Commission:
Schengen Information System

Information about the SIS II from the European Coordination Groups:
Coordinated Supversision Committee (since 2023)
SIS II Supervision Coordination Group (2013-2023)