The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information

Navigation and service

Responsibilities of the Single Contact Point (ZASt)

Germany has – unique in Europe – a federal system of data protection supervision, consisting of the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI) and the data protection authorities of the federal states (“Länder”). In this context, the Single Contact Point (German abbreviation: ZASt) serves as an interface to the European level. It ensures the effective involvement of all German data protection supervisory authorities and their smooth cooperation.

there is a tablet and pen in front of a screen with the EU flag
Source: ©denizbayram -

The Single Contact Point is located at the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI), but is organisationally separated from the latter. The single contact point acts in the common interest of the federal and "Länder" data protection supervisory authorities. In doing so, it supports the German data protection supervisory authorities in the incoming and outgoing communication to and from Europe as well as in establishing common positions in European affairs according to Section 18 Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG). Furthermore, the Single Contact Point carries out various coordination tasks, for example in the case of requests for access to documents of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) in so far as German data protection supervisory authorities are concerned or in relation to the proofreading of the German translations of documents of the EDPB.

The Single Contact Point takes part in the committee work of the EDPB and the German Data Protection Conference (DSK). Upon request and as needed, it advises the employees of the federal and "Länder" data protection supervisory authorities who deal with the European affairs.

In addition, the Single Contact Point has numerous further supporting tasks. It monitors the procedural requirements and deadlines for European procedures under the GDPR. The Single Contact Point also acts as a national entry point for requests from European data protection supervisory authorities in procedures for the approval of Binding Corporate Rules (BCR), Article 47 of the GDPR.

The tasks of the Single Contact Point are focused on supporting the Federal an "Länder" data protection supervisory authorities in their responsibilities. In doing so, the Single Contact Point does not perform data protection supervisory responsibilities itself. The single contact point is not responsible for the external relationship with citizens, authorities and companies and cannot take action in this regard.

The contact details of the national data protection supervisory authorities can be found in the Addresses section.

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