The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information

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The Single Contact Point (ZASt)

The Single Contact Point (German abbreviation “ZASt”) coordinates the cross-border cooperation of the German Data Commissioner for Data Protection and Fredom of Information (BfDI) with the other Member States of the European Union, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) and the European Commission.

In the federal system, which is unique throughout Europe, the Single Contact Point enables the data protection supervisory authorities of the EU Member States, the EDPB and the European Commission to communicate and cooperate with the German data protection supervisory authorities without knowledge of the distribution of competences.

Although established at the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI), the Single Contact Point (ZASt) is organisationally separated from the latter. This organisational separation is intended to counteract any conflict of interests and ensure that the German federal and "Länder" data protection supervisory authorities are treated equally with the flow of information to and from Europe.

The tasks of the Single Contact Point (ZASt) are limited to supporting the federal and "Länder" data protection supervisory authorities in their tasks. In doing so, the ZASt does not perform data protection supervisory responsibilities itself. The ZASt is not responsible for the external relationship with citizens, authorities and companies and cannot take action in this regard.

Germany has – unique in Europe – a federal system of data protection supervision, consisting of the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI) and the data protection authorities of the federal states (“Länder”). In this context, the Single Contact Point (German abbreviation: ZASt) serves as an interface to the European level. It ensures the effective involvement of all German data protection supervisory authorities and their smooth cooperation. More: Responsibilities of the Single Contact Point (ZASt)

there is a tablet and pen in front of a screen with the EU flag  (refer to: Responsibilities of the Single Contact Point (ZASt))

For controllers with an European establishment, the lead data protection supervisory authority in the Member State of the main establishment is the sole contact point for cross-border data processing (one-stop shop principle). The European data protection supervisory authorities concerned cooperate with each other to ensure uniform application of the law (cooperation procedures) and only the lead data protection supervisory authority plays an active role towards the controller. More: Procedures for the cooperation of data protection supervisory authorities in Germany and Europe according to the GDPR

Shake hands and in the foreground are digital floating locks (refer to: Procedures for the cooperation of data protection supervisory authorities in Germany and Europe according to the GDPR)

The Single Contact Point (German abbreviation „ZASt“) is the point of contact for the German and European supervisory authorities, for the European Data Protection Board and the European Commission. Requests from elsewhere, such as citizens' enquiries, do not fall within the area of responsibility of the single contact point and are not handled by it.

More: Contact to the Single Contact Point

printed gear wheels, one with the German flag and one with the European flag (refer to: Contact to the Single Contact Point)

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