The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information

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G7-DPA Roundtable

Date 2022.09.06

As this year’s chairman of the G7 data protection commissioners and privacy authorities, the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, Professor Ulrich Kelber, officially welcomed the delegation heads in Bonn on 6 September.

Delegationsleitende bei der Begrüßung zum G7 Roundtable 2022 auf dem Petersberg
Source: bundesfoto/Völkner

At the reception, which was open to the press and which took place at the Petersberg, the BfDI was pleased to meet for the first time in person his international colleagues in this round. Last year, the UK Data Protection Authority ICO organised the first meeting of the G7 data protection commissioners, but due to the pandemic only as a video conference. In the focus, delegations will discuss about international data transfers with emphasis on the concept of the so-called free and trustworthy data flow or Data Free Flow with Trust (DFFT).

Rede von Prof. Ulrich Kelber zur Eröffnung des G7 Roundtable
G7-Roundtable Source: bundesfoto/Völkner

More about the G7-DPA Roundtable