The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information

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BfDI becomes Co-Coordinator of the Fining Task Force

Date 2023.02.07

As of today and on behalf of the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI), Andreas Wigger, Deputy Head of the Office of Legal Affairs, will assume the co-chairmanship of the Fining Task Force (FTF) of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB).

various european banknotes are hung on a line with a clothespin
Source: Quelle: © Kurt Schindler -

The FTF is a working group of the EDPB that is primarily responsible for uniform guidelines when it comes to imposing fines by data protection supervisory authorities. Following the withdrawal of the Dutch chair, the function was previously performed by Sweden alone. The BfDI was asked to hold the chairmanship jointly with Sweden in the future. The chair of the FTF is responsible for preparing and chairing the meetings of the FTF and for any reports to the plenary of the EDPB.