The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information

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Berlin Group with new projects and working papers

Bonn/Oslo, 5 July 2024

Date 2024.07.05

The meeting of the International Working Group on Data Protection in Technology (IWGDPT) took place in Oslo in this half-year period. Particular attention was paid to the so-called Large Language Models.

auf einem Konferenztisch liegen Blöcke und darauf Kugelschreiber
Source: ©CL-Medien -

The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI) and the Norwegian data protection supervisory authority Datatilsynet presented the new projects and working papers in a joint statement on the 73rd meeting of the International Working Group on Data Protection in Technology (IWGDPT), the so-called "Berlin Group". During the meeting in Oslo on 18 and 19 June, the Berlin Group adopted working papers on data sharing and so-called Large Language Models. The next meeting of the Berlin Group will take place in Brussels in November.  It will be hosted by the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS).

The Secretariat now starts the written procedure for the vote on the working papers in order to involve all members. The adopted working papers will then be made available on the BfDI website in a German and an English version.