The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information

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Bonn/Berlin, 11/1/2022

Press release 1/2022

The BfDI takes the Chair of the Data Protection Conference 2022

In 2022, the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI) shall preside over the Conference of Independent Data Protection Supervisory Authorities of the Federation and the Länder (DSK). His presidency will focus on the subject of research data. Other topics in the focus are, for example, the use of artificial intelligence in the security area and electronic identities.

The BfDI, Professor Ulrich Kelber, sees many important steps for data protection this year: “The last few years have sometimes shown us very painfully what failures exist in digitisation. The pandemic has triggered a first push for digitisation and the new federal government has planned many modernisation projects. As privacy advocates, we are ready to provide competent advice to controllers. This applies in particular to topics of outstanding importance for the future of our society, such as data protection-compliant provision and use of research data.”

As Chairman of the DSK, the BfDI will also discuss with his colleagues the topics of the total account of surveillance, employee data protection and sovereign clouds.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the first interim conference chaired by the BfDI will take place on 27 January 2022 as an online format. It is planned to host the further interim conferences in Berlin in 2022. The main conferences are scheduled to take place at the BfDI’s office in Bonn on 22 March and 22 November.

The DSK consists of the independent data protection authorities of the Federation and the Länder. It is tasked with safeguarding and protecting the fundamental right to informational self-determination, achieving a consistent application of European and national data protection law and working together to promote its further development.