The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information

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Bonn, 8th September 2023

Press release 14/2023

Berlin Group has adopted Working Paper on “Smart Cities”

The International Working Group on Data Protection in Technology (IWGDPT), the so-called “Berlin Group”, which is chaired by Prof. Ulrich Kelber, has adopted a Working Paper on “Smart Cities”. The Paper, with its practical recommendations, supports cities, service providers and regulators in achieving more data protection friendly solutions.

Schemenhafte Darstellung einer digital vernetzten Stadt
Source: Adobe Stock

The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information in Germany, Prof. Ulrich Kelber, highlights: “In recent years, “Smart Cities” have become a widespread phenomenon all over the world. If they aim to be successful in the long term, they need people's trust. To this end, it is necessary that the providers of the related services comply with data protection and privacy standards. With the working paper, we offer very practical support in this regard.”

In “Smart Cities”, residents and visitors may benefit from improved services, such as intelligent traffic control or smart management of city resources. This can make living and staying in the city more comfortable. On the other hand, ubiquitous collecting and processing of personal data, for example by intelligent cameras, can have detrimental effects and pose risks to the privacy of individuals.

Therefore, the IWGDPT Berlin Group calls on all stakeholders involved to be aware of data protection and privacy principles and to implement them according to the Paper´s recommendations in order to avoid infringements of the fundamental right to privacy of individuals in “Smart Cities”.

The Working Paper is available for download.