The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information

Navigation and service

Bonn, 15/12/2023

Press release 21/2023

BfDI for Data Free Flow with Trust

The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI), Professor Ulrich Kelber, draws a positive balance of his international activities in 2023, with a particular focus on creating the conditions for Data Free Flow with Trust - DFFT.

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Source: ©Danil Melekhin via Getty Images

In this regard, the BfDI says:

We are committed to ensuring that DFFT finally becomes a reality. We aim at achieving a uniform understanding of high protection standards in dialogue with other third countries and regional networks. This can also be achieved in a way that favours fundamental rights - even with improvements in countries that currently have no or poor data protection rules. Prof. Ulrich Kelber

A key condition for this are fundamental rights-based, democratic rules for the access of public authorities to privately held data for national security or law enforcement purposes. This is where the BfDI is committed to ensuring that the standards of the OECD Declaration on Government Access are respected internationally. As the host of the G7 Data Protection Authorities (G7 DPA Roundtable) meeting in 2022, the BfDI has made DFFT a key topic of international cooperation.

In various projects, the BfDI continued his commitment, for example as rapporteur of a reference document on certifications under the European General Data Protection Regulation and Global Cross-Border Privacy Rules, which is currently developed within the framework of the G7 DPA Roundtable. As co-initiator of this year’s “Resolution on Achieving Global Data Protection Standards” of the Global Privacy Assembly, he also worked for high international data protection standards on a global level.

In addition, the BfDI is in demand for consultation, including from a group of the largest Pacific-Agricultural Countries (Global CBPR) who want to achieve a free flow of data among themselves and with Europe, and in the European Data Innovation Board of the EU-Commission.