The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information

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Venice, 11/06/2024

Press release 8/2024

BfDI and ICO strengthen cooperation

The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI), Professor Ulrich Kelber, and the Information Commissioner of the United Kingdom (ICO), John Edwards, confirmed the cooperation of their authorities at a meeting in Venice. To this end, they signed a Memorandum of Understanding.

Ulrich Kelber und John Edwards unterschreiben  die gemeinsame Absichtserklärung
Source: BfDI

The BfDI emphasises the ICO’s importance as a former member of the European Data Protection Board (EDPB): Even if we no longer meet regularly in Brussels, the good relations between the ICO and the BfDI are important for international data protection. We see this, for example, in committees such as the G7 or the Global Privacy Assembly. In the International Working Group on Data Protection in Technology, for example, with its view into the future, the Future Foresight, the ICO demonstrated a way of working which the BfDI has taken up and which we are now continuing together. These are concrete positive effects, which is why we want to shape and intensify the exchange with our British colleagues even more closely in the future.

 The Memorandum of Understanding is intended to consolidate the existing cooperation between the BfDI and the ICO. The declaration also regulates the exchange of information between the two authorities and reaffirms the common intention to cooperate on important international issues.

 The Memorandum of Understanding was signed in the margins of the Privacy Symposium in Venice, attended by the BfDI and the ICO.

Ulrich Kelber und John Edwards halten die gemeinsame Absichtserklärung
Source: BfDI
Ulrich Kelber und John Edwards halten die gemeinsame Absichtserklärung
Source: BfDI


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